January Superstars
Sam’s Superstar
Henry is my superstar!! He’s done so well and is improving every week!!! Well done Henry.
Angela’s Superstar
Over the last two weeks Ezra's confidence has grown so much and is now happily swimming around the pool with out holding onto nannie! He’s also kicking his legs super fast. Well done Ezra.
Danielle’s Superstar
Isabella is doing some really super swimming, using her arms well and kicking her legs. She swam half way up the pool all by herself with such confidence. Well done Isabella, I’m so proud of you!
Louise’s Superstar
Finlay swam half of the swimming pool completely under the water to collect the sinking seal in one breath and beautiful bubbles all the way. Well done clever boy.
Kate’s Superstar
Jenson worked on his tiger arms and kicky legs and was doing an amazing job, but he didn’t have the confidence to swim on his own. We spent some time building Jenson’s confidence and I am so proud to say he is now happily swimming around the pool completely unaided!! Well done darling Jenson.
Nichola‘s Superstar
By following Zaviyan's lead and making swimming fun, we have encouraged a real love for the water. Zaviyan is confident, has water safety awareness and is progessing so well. He strokes are really developing and so is his jumping and floating. Well done Zavi.
Sophie’s Superstar
This is Henry has he is my star of the week he really kept up his kicking and tiger arms throughout the whole class with a big smile on his face!
Laura’s Superstar
From the moment she enters the water violet enjoys slapping to our hello song and all the other nursery rhymes. She has now started kicking her legs when swimming on her back. She’s a little fish. Well done violet