FAQ – Existing swimmers

  • You can change the day/time of your class at the point of rebooking for the new term. Once payment is made, that is your space for the entire term. We do not have the capacity for refunds.

  • Our terms run for 11 weeks and we have 4 terms a year

    For specific dates please see our social media.

  • We close for:

    • 2 weeks at Easter

    • 3 weeks in the Summer

    • 3 weeks at Christmas

  • You will get the option to renew your current space or you are able to participate in our priority booking for a different space.

  • We currently do not offer the option to pay for your space by Direct Debit and you must pay for your space upfront.

  • No, you do not need to register the attending guardian with us, as long as a responsible adult is with the child.

    You are able to bring one spectator but we do insist on one car per party due to parking.